1 King Chimney Repair LLC

Chase Covers-Caps-Dampers


Every chimney needs a chimney cap.


1. PREVENTS MOISTURE DAMAGE: Water entering the chimney will corrode the damper and even damage flue tiles. We’ve inspected countless uncapped chimneys that require costly repairs to correct “freeze- thaw” induced moisture damage because the chimney did not have a cap.

2. KEEPS BIRDS AND ANIMALS OUTSIDE: Few homeowners realize how frequently birds and animals fall into a chimney and become trapped. Even more disturbing are homeowner tales of soot drenched (and possibly rabid) squirrels rocketing from their fireplace into the family room and beyond.


4. REDUCES FIRE RISK: By stopping airborne embers and sparks from floating upward out of the chimney, a chimney cap protects surrounding trees, and homes that are clad with flammable cedar shakes.

We offer top-quality chimney caps constructed of weather resistant 304-alloy stainless steel or copper. All of our chimney caps carry a lifetime warranty against rust, corrosion or manufacturer’s defects.


Chase covers are an external top covering for a pre-fab chimney or a brick chimney.

Pre-fab chimneys have a metal covering (chase top) to prevent water from entering the interior of the chimney structure. The original chase top is usually made of an inexpensive galvanized sheet metal, some 1-piece and some several pieces (never acceptable). Most tops have a low spot that holds water; after a while the metal starts to rust and when water runs off the top during a rain, it carries the rust with it down your beautiful siding, causing a stain that gets bigger over time. You may even hear water dripping on the inside of the chase, a good indication that the top has rusted through.

The way to fix the problem is to replace your old rusted chase top with a new stainless steel chase cover. Only Stainless Steel or Copper will offer you a Lifetime Warranty.


Chimney dampers allow you to close the chimney flue when the fireplace is not in use to prevent heated or cooled air from escaping the home through the chimney. An open flue is an invitation for inefficient climate control and added problems due to prolonged exposure of the chimney to the elements.

Installing a lock top chimney damper can be a great way to prevent any energy leakage from your home caused by a chimney. Chimneys can be a major factor in losing heat in the winter and air conditioning in the summer. If you currently have a throat damper in your chimney, which many homes do, it can still leak energy. A throat damper is an iron or steel frame with a plate that opens by pushing a handle or turning a knob. Throat dampers do not have a gasket, making it so the damper can never be 100% closed. A lock top chimney damper has a gasket at the top of the chimney to ensure an air tight seal every time. Lock top chimney dampers also act as a rain cap, keeping rain and critters out of your chimney.

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